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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The celebration – festival named after A.D. Papanov

31 october, 2014, Vyazma

The event is dedicated to the anniversary of the birth of the People's Artist of the USSR, the legendary Soviet film and theater actor Anatoly Papanov and aimed to preserve the historical past and involve into keeping traditions of theater and cinema.

The monument to the great actor, set on the main street of the city, has become the tourist attraction for visitors of Vyazma area.

At that significant day to the home land of the actor many guests will arrive, including his close relatives: his daughter – the actress of Moscow Drama Theater named after M.N. Ermolova Elena Papanova and granddaughter Maria.

During the festival the solemn ceremony will be held at the monument of A.D. Papanov as well as opening of renewed exhibition of the artist personal belongings in Vyazma historical and regional museum. Diamond show auction "12 chairs" will be organized to raise funds to support theatrical traditions of the city of Vyazma.

At the exhibition of children drawings works will be presented dedicated to cartoon characters voiced by the actor.

The festival programme features creative presentation by the actors of Satire Theatre, performances of amateur theater groups, play of Vyazma people theater devoted to the memory of A.D. Papanov.

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1:28:45 C ( F)
Region: Smolensk region
City: Vyazma
Phone: (48131) 4 16 65