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Events / Historical reconstructions

The Festival of Military and Historical Reconstruction of the Battle at Lubino

9 - 10 august, 2014, Smolensk region

Each year in time of the anniversary of the battle of Smolensk at Lubino large-scale military and historical reconstruction takes place that attracts many spectators. Entertaining costumed action in the maximum way brought to the historical truth unites hundreds of participants and visitors from Russia and neighboring countries.

On August 7, 1812, at the field near the village of Lubino the fierce battle against French army was fought.

For Russian troops it was defensive operation, yet it was very important from strategical point of view. The battle was one of the bloodiest in the Patriotic War of 1812.

On the Russian side over 22 thousand people while from French one 55 000 soldiers – took part in the battle.

According to the inscription on the ninth wall of the temple of Christ the Saviour, Russian troops have lost 6000 lives in the fights by the villages of Gedeonovo and Lubino. The loss by French side is estimated by historians as 9000 people.

The battle at Lubino has ended by undoubted strategic success of Russian army, it was able to keep its reserves.

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Region: Smolensk region
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