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Events / Exhibitions and forums

The Retrospective Photo Exhibition “Anatoly Garanin. The Soviet Union”

12 november - 15 december, 2014, Nizhny Novgorod

At the retrospective photo exhibition of the legendary Soviet photographer Anatoly Garanin the visitors will see some 200 unique pictures from the archives of the photo journalist passed to RIA “Novosti” by Anatoly Garanin sons in 2008.

The most part of the works by Anatoly Garanin presented at the exhibition were not previously published and exhibited.

The theme sections of the photo exhibition are entitled in the style of the illustrated magazine "The Soviet Union" concerning events and life in the Soviet Union and its foreign policy. The legendary photographer for long time was one of its top photo journalists.

The creativity of Anatoly Garanin represents the photo encyclopaedia of its kind of this country life and people from the past century. Working as photo reporter he was participant of war activities, witness of major historical and political events reflected by him in the visual history of this country of 1930-1980 period. Many war pictures by Anatoly Garanin have become classics of frontline photo reports and brought the worldwide fame to the author.

The photo exhibition is enhanced by multimedia content. The visitors will see a slide show made from thousands of pictures by Anatoly Garanin as well as video clip featuring archive photos and film footage from the period when the author worked as photographer.

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22:28:45 C ( F)
Region: Nizhny Novgorod region
City: Nizhny Novgorod
Venue: Russian Museum of Photography
Organizer: Russian Museum of Photography
Phone: (831) 411 82 47