With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / Sport events
The open tournament of the winter sport fishing “Baikal Fishing”
27 - 28 march, 2015, Republic of Buryatia
The year2014 is the anniversary year for "Baikal Fishing" – the tournament is held for the 10th time. The purpose of the competition with international participation is to promote and develop the event tourism and sports fishing. The fishing is made by a rod. For the audience the entertainment programme is prepared: the spectators participate in competitions of tug of war, for the best armwrestler of fishing and contest among fish connoisseurs.
The unique creation of nature the lake Baikal is listed among World Culture and Nature Heritage sites of UNESCO, it is often referrl Lake Baikal is home to over 2500 species of animals and plants, the most of them are relics and endemics.
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Region: Republic of Buryatia
Venue: The lake Baikal, Prybaikal district, the village of Turka, special economic zone of tourist and recreational type "Baikal harbour"
Phone: (3012) 29 72 79
Website: www.megatitan.ru/baikal-fishing