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The International Scientific Conference "Steppe and steppe species: ecology, transformation and renovation"

5 - 15 june, 2014, Tula region

The conference will be held in Russia for the first time. The territory of the museum-reserve "Kulikovo Field" located in the southeastern part of Tula region, in forest-steppe zone, is chosen as the first venue of the event in the country.

Kulikovo field is not only the first battle ground of Russia, but the unique steppe area as well that have survived by small portions on the slopes of the river valleys of the rivers Don, Nepryadva, Krasivaya mecha and their tributaries.

Those steppe areas are natural monuments of Tula region, they are under protection. Similar steppe areas in European countries are almost completely destroyed, that is why one of the objectives of the conference is the acquaintance of foreign scientists with the best preserved steppe habitats, their species composition and structure.

Over 70 scientists from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Tunisia, Algeria, Iran, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries will take part in the conference. Russia is represented by major scientific schools of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Tolgyatti, Bryansk, Kursk, Rostov, Tula.

The participants of field tours will visit steppe "natural monuments" of Tula region in the upper reaches of the river Don and the steppes of Kursk (Central Chernozem reserve named after V.V. Alekhin) and Rostov (the village of Veshenskaya, the museum-reserve of M. Sholokhov) region.

Foreign guests will be also introduced to the cultural attractions of different regions of this country, its traditions and customs.

The conference is held under the auspices of Russian Geographical Society, Russian Foundation for Fundamental Researches, European Dry Grassland Group, Ministry of Natural Resources of Tula region, the museum-reserve "Kulikovo Field", Tula State University.

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13:42:23 C ( F)
Region: Tula region
Venue: The village of Monastyrshchino (Kimovsk district of Tula region)
Phone: (4872) 36 28 34