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Events / Arts festivals

The International festival of laces VITA LACE

26 - 28 june, 2014, Vologda

Vologda in its own right is considered to be the lace capital of Russia. Unlike local centers of lace making, Vologda lace is the complex phenomenon that includes manufacturing traditions of various regions of Vologda area.

The Lace festival is the rare opportunity to learn about the unique art of lace making. The revival of world renowned traditions of Russian flax and Vologda lace is the main goal of the festival that is held once every three years.

The first International Festival of Lace (2011) that took place in Vologda within the frames of in the International Festival of flax was attended by representatives of lace making centres and flax processing industry from 18 countries and 36 regions of Russia.

The second International Festival of Lace in Vologda "The Living Lace" was included by the government of Vologda region in the list of priority cultural events in 2014. It is aimed to devote the festival to the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi. It is not by chance that Vologda lace patterns are included in the design of the Games’ symbols. Vologda lace itself is often compared to "enchanting patterns of winter", "snowy songs", "non-melting rime". Those ideas will be reflected in the concept of the festival.

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0:29:27 C ( F)
Region: Vologda region
City: Vologda
Organizer: The Government of Vologda region, Department of Culture and preservation of cultural heritage of Vologda region, Department of international, interregional ties and tourism of the region
Phone: (8172) 72 45 69, (8172) 72 53 81