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Events / Arts festivals

The XIII Open Regional Festival of Amateur Song "Arakuly"

15 - 17 august, 2014, Chelyabinsk region

The festival of authors’ song is held annually in August at the lake Arakuly near the town of Kasly in Chelyabinsk region.

The main objective of the event is the preservation of cultural heritage of the city of Kasly and Kasly area and development of amateur authors’ song movement.

Groups, clubs of amateur songs, authors, performers of amateur author songs take part in the festival. Age and place of residence of the participants does not matter.

The winners of the contest concert are named in the following nominations: solo performer, duets, ensembles, authorship of songs (music, text), children song (performed by children up to 14 years of age).

The specific atmosphere of the festival is created by its special features. One of them is the ecological action "Arakuly is the monument of nature" in which the contestants take part.

Kasly area has for long been famous for its lakes and fish that is why fish soup is constant feature of the festival "Arakuly", the organizers try to treat all guests with it. Torchlight procession, uniting camp fire, large Vishnevogorsk cakes baked for guests and participants, hiking to the mountain Shikhan – all that add up to a wide palette of festival colours.

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4:31:10 0 C (0 F)
Region: Chelyabinsk region
Venue: The village of Arakuly of Kasly area in Chelyabinsk region
Phone: (35130) 6 87 87